Those who have been in a financial emergency know how helpful the one hour payday loans could be. These loans are accessible online. However to get this loan you have to meet the criteria set down by the lenders. You will need to have a consistent monthly income which means you should be in a stable job. And to be in a stable job you must be over 18 years of age. Since the entire process of this type of payday loan is done entirely online, from submitting the loan application to depositing the money in your bank account, it is vital that you have an active checking account. It is very simple, easy and fast to get the 1 hour payday loan. All transactions are confidential and secure with the online payday loan lenders. You can get loans for any amounts ranging between $100 and $1500 depending on your income. As they are short term financial assistance the loan has to be paid back on your next payday. take a look at the site here