Payday loans that require some faxing of documents to accompany the loan application are fast disappearing. These are making way for its counterpart: the payday loan no fax option. No working consumer likes the faxing requirement of the payday loan there is too much hassle and stress involved in such a loan. The faxed documents may be blurred or pages can be missing when faxed over to the lender's office. Illegible pieces or missing pages must be re-faxed which is a waste of time and resources besides being frustrating on the borrower. Payday loans with faxes are costly as more paper, ink and electricity must be consumed. Some lenders require document verifications. Environmentalists are against payday loans with faxes they are strongly contending for a payday loan no fax option to replace the one with faxing. Many responsible green lenders are supporting and heeding the voice of the eco-friendly community with no faxing payday loans. continue